
The IAHE Blog

In the Twilight Years of Your Homeschool

In the Twilight Years of Your Homeschool

Guest post by Heidi Kreider. --- It's twilight in my homeschool nest these days. After fifteen years of homeschooling, I'm down to one student. In a matter of seven days, my second child graduated and then left for a summer at SpringHill Camp in Seymour, and my oldest...

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2017 Indiana Home Education Week

2017 Indiana Home Education Week

Governor Holcomb has declared March 19-25, 2017, as Home Education Week in Indiana! It is scheduled to coincide with Indiana Association of Home Educators' Annual Convention on March 24-25. It's our week to celebrate home educators' accomplishments! INDIANA HOME...

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Homeschooling Held Hostage, by Heidi St. John

Homeschooling Held Hostage, by Heidi St. John

(This article was reprinted with permission by Heidi St. John at heidistjohn.com) I remember the day we decided to pull our daughter out of school. The day we "made it public"—this decision to homeschool. I.Was.Terrified.  Really.  My knees were knocking as I walking...

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Public School Push-out Problem

Public School Push-out Problem

This blog post has been adapted from my testimony before the House Education Committee on February 16, 2017, as requested by the Committee Chair. On any given day, Indiana Association of Home Educators (IAHE) office staff and sixteen Regional Representatives across...

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Share Your Story: Public School Push Outs

Share Your Story: Public School Push Outs

Were your children once enrolled in the public school system or a voucher-accepting school? When you read about the School to Prison Pipeline, did you realize your child’s school pushed your child into homeschooling?   The School to Prison Pipeline testimony...

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