The IAHE Blog
Do you REALLY want to homeschool?
Homeschooling, eLearning, school-at-home, and distance learning… oh my! Many parents find themselves facing a difficult decision this summer regarding the education of their children for the year. For families seeking an at-home option, there are many paths to...
Is my public school giving me correct homeschool information?
You’ve got homeschool questions. We’ve been answering them since 1983. With so many Indiana families wanting out of their modern, brick-and-mortar, schools this fall, thousands of parents are turning to home education. For families with children who have been...
The Colors of Education Policy
Originally written in January 2020. Updated for the COVID era. With scores of families seeking to escape the drastic social restrictions upon students at brick and mortar schools, it’s more important than ever for all parents to understand the philosophy of emerging...
The Point of Reading
I have always loved books. When I was little, my dad delighted me with Mrs. Pigglewiggle stories at bedtime. At age nine, I discovered L’Engle’s Wrinkle in Time and saw the world in a whole new light. I discovered what Mortimer Adler declared: “A good book can teach...
A Response to the Harvard Article with Alison Slatter
Since February, the IAHE team has been working with leaders from other state homeschool organizations to watch and respond to the currently postponed Harvard Summit on Homeschooling. You can read more about the event and our earlier response here. Many people have...
What does the future of the homeschool community look like?
It's too soon to tell. Since mid-March and the spread of the Coronavirus, the face of home education has changed. Families across the globe have now experienced "homeschooling" under very difficult circumstances. But even for veteran homeschool families, what is...
FREE Covid-19 Memory Book
Children have questions about what is going on in the world around them. You can create meaningful conversations and memories with our printable Memory Book for elementary students or our Time Capsule printable for older students. Get your FREE COVID-19 Memory...
Home Schooling During Challenging Times
Across the country, schools are closed due to the coronavirus pandemic. We've gathered a list of resources for families to help them get through these challenging times.Whether you are a veteran homeschool parent or a parent stuck-at-home, we're here to help. Do you...
Homeschooling is Not Abuse
In February, the Indiana Association of Home Educators (IAHE) was made aware of an upcoming event to be hosted at Harvard University titled “Homeschooling Summit: Problems, Politics, and Prospects for Reform.” Our Government Affairs Team has spent the past month...