
The IAHE Blog

3 Steps to Take When Your Child Sees Porn

3 Steps to Take When Your Child Sees Porn

Your child seeing pornography today is nearly inevitable. It’s not a matter of “if” but “when.” A university study showed 90 percent of boys and 63 percent of girls have accessed sexually explicit content online. Depending on the study, the average age of first...

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We Need You!

We Need You!

In the 2020 winter issue of our magazine, Homeschool Indiana, we published an article by 16-year-old, homeschooled student Grace Kimmerling, encouraging families to attend the upcoming legislative panel at the IAHE convention. With the cancelation of the convention...

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Who was St. Valentine?

Who was St. Valentine?

Many event days on our calendar seem to be worldly, but they actually have origins in Christian history. Much of the history of Saint Valentine’s Day remains unconfirmed, but do you know the traditional Christian origins of Saint Valentine’s Day? The Christian History...

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School Choice & the Cost of Homeschool Freedom

School Choice & the Cost of Homeschool Freedom

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the...

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Bring Joy to the Winter Rut

Bring Joy to the Winter Rut

Even with all the good that comes with it, homeschooling can be hard, and there are definitely times that are lower than others. These lows seem to become more apparent in February—that halfway moment when the holiday hype has ended and the winter slump has begun. ...

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How Dads Can Be Active in Homeschooling

How Dads Can Be Active in Homeschooling

Educating our kids at home is not just about the books or curricula; it is about being free to shape our kids in the ways we feel called to. This means that it’s not just a cut and dry program. This is truly a way of life. As we educate our kids and prepare them for...

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Jump into the New Year

Jump into the New Year

The habit of always putting off an experience until you can afford it, or until the time is right, or until you know how to do it is one of the greatest burglars of joy. Be deliberate, but once you've made up your mind-jump in. Chuck Swindoll How true this is,...

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A Year for New Christmas Traditions

A Year for New Christmas Traditions

Are you on Plan A, B, or C for Christmas celebrations this year? For many of us, our hopes for big family gatherings will not be happening. However, that does not mean we cannot still have a beautiful, warm, memorable time celebrating the birth of Jesus with our...

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Homeschool Christmas Party

Homeschool Christmas Party

Celebrate Christmas with a last-day-before-break school party! If you attended public school as a child, think back for a moment to what the last week leading up to Christmas break was like. I remember doing fun worksheets with Christmas themes, coloring a lot, making...

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