
The IAHE Blog

A Year for New Christmas Traditions

A Year for New Christmas Traditions

Are you on Plan A, B, or C for Christmas celebrations this year? For many of us, our hopes for big family gatherings will not be happening. However, that does not mean we cannot still have a beautiful, warm, memorable time celebrating the birth of Jesus with our...

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Homeschool Christmas Party

Homeschool Christmas Party

Celebrate Christmas with a last-day-before-break school party! If you attended public school as a child, think back for a moment to what the last week leading up to Christmas break was like. I remember doing fun worksheets with Christmas themes, coloring a lot, making...

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A Peace-Filled, Debt-Free Holiday Season

A Peace-Filled, Debt-Free Holiday Season

Is it just me, or does Christmas seem to come earlier and earlier each year? I don’t mean the actual day, December 25, as the standard date set aside to celebrate Jesus’ birth. Instead, I am referring to the idea that every year, retail stores seem to start their...

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Our IAHE Volunteer Gratitude Journal

Our IAHE Volunteer Gratitude Journal

In honor of Thanksgiving, we have collected words of gratitude from our volunteers, and we are sharing them with you with the prayer that they will inspire you this week.   I am thankful that my kids can follow their own interests. I am thankful that we are not...

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A Family Thanksgiving Journal

A Family Thanksgiving Journal

We have so many things to be thankful for, even in this year that’s been so different. Especially in a year like this one, it can be particularly encouraging to focus on our blessings. Encouraging children at a young age—at any age!—to focus on their blessings is a...

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We’re Going on a Prayer Walk

We’re Going on a Prayer Walk

Autumn is a gorgeous time of year to spend extra minutes outdoors. In fact, November 17 is National Take a Hike Day, a day set aside to encourage families to breathe fresh air, get the heart pumping, and soak in the beauty of natural surroundings.  Plan to take lots...

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National Homeschool Day of Prayer 2020

National Homeschool Day of Prayer 2020

Will you join homeschool families from all across the nation in a day of prayer on Friday, November 6th? A Heritage of Prayer in our Nation Prayer has great significance for us as a nation as we follow in our founding fathers’ footsteps and seek the wisdom of God when...

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5 Fall Activities to Bond with Your Child

5 Fall Activities to Bond with Your Child

Fall is a terrific time of year. Outside is colorful, leaves are falling, and routines are setting in. Life seems calmer. However, days are getting shorter, temperatures are dropping, and even though routines are getting easier, everyone may also be ready for a break....

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