
Is a Support Group for You?

Whether you are just starting off on the journey of homeschooling or are a few years into it, may I encourage you to surround yourself with other homeschool families? One way to do this is to get involved in or even start a support group (SG) in your area.  A support...

Are homeschools taking money from public education?

Within hours of the close of the 2021 legislative session, stories began popping up across the state claiming that Indiana homeschool families would be given educational funding in the newly passed budget. While the details of the bill are yet to be worked out, we...

Choosing Curriculum Part 2

  Curriculum Styles This is Part 2 of a two-part series on choosing curriculum for elementary and middle school. Read Part 1 HERE.  In PART 1 we explored why you have chosen to homeschool, your educational philosophy, and your vision for your homeschool. Part 2...

Choosing Curriculum Part 1

Your Homeschool Philosophy and Vision (This is Part 1 of a two-part series focusing on choosing curriculum for elementary and middle school.)  Curriculum… the rabbit hole of rabbit holes for homeschoolers. Some of us love to talk curriculum, research it, categorize...

Working with Your Kindergartener

Starting kindergarten with your child is an exciting time, not just for them but for you too. At this time, you get the opportunity to build a foundation for how school will work in your family and to start shaping the perspective your child will have about learning. ...

Easter: A Time for New Life

Spring has sprung! Can you feel it down deep in your soul, that shaking off of the winter chill and opening the windows to let the warmth of the Sonshine revive your spirit? It’s almost Easter! Why is Easter always on a different day? This year Easter is Sunday, April...

Hiking, History, and Homeschooling

Spring is coming and your kids are probably ready to head outside! Have you considered exploring some of Indiana’s State Parks? Indiana has some amazing state parks, and homeschoolers love bringing meaningful education into all aspects of their life. Plan a school day...

How Do YOU Homeschool?

Share your photos with us!   Does your family do school in the family room? At the kitchen table? In the backyard?  Do you do field trips? Educational road trips? Service projects? Isn’t the freedom that homeschoolers have to learn in many different ways...