
Our Top 3 Tips for Back-to-School Planning

The back-to-school season is upon us again. This can be a busy time for homeschool families. Just like our public and private school counterparts, there are things to do like buy supplies and clothing, think about extracurriculars, and get registered and enrolled in...

A Dose of Education & Fun for Independence Day!

Why teach your children about American Independence? Because their future may depend on them knowing and understanding our history. Our founding fathers broke free from tyranny. We can honor their sacrifices, and the sacrifices of generations after them, by working to...

Save That Money! Tips for Teaching Your Children

Parenting is hard work. You know that life can be tough so you try to teach your children as much as you can, so they are ready for whatever life throws at them. Instill Good Habits You teach them to be grateful, honest, patient, and kind. You teach them good hygiene,...

Inspiration in Three Hundred Pages

How we spend our time reflects what we love. What we believe to be important. For many homeschooled high schoolers, this manifests as reading. You may very well have a student who can’t wait to finish all his or her responsibilities just for a chance to curl up with a...

How to Make Homeschool Friends in Indiana

Have you found yourself longing for the connection of friends? Have you moved from out of state or maybe even just across the state? Maybe you have just stepped into the wonderful world of homeschooling and you feel alone and you don’t know where you fit in? Or,...

Why Homeschool High School?

Is it hard to homeschool high school? Should we only homeschool until our teen is ready for the upper grades? What are the benefits of homeschooling all the way through? These are some of the questions that many parents may have when it comes to deciding if they...