
Mental Health of Homeschoolers

IAHE is pleased to share the research of Dr. Brian Ray of the National Home Education Research Institute. We suggest you consider supporting research based on a sound worldview by donating to NHERI. Mental Health of Homeschoolers Will the home educated grow up to be...

New IAHE Board Members: Tom & Lisa Heady

We are pleased to introduce the IAHE’S newest Board members, Tom & Lisa Heady. Leaving suburban life twelve years ago, Tom and Lisa settled in rural Arlington (Rush County) where they are happily enjoying country living.  Currently in their 20th year of...

A season of thanksgiving!

In celebration of Thanksgiving, we would like to give thanks to the many volunteers that are a part of the IAHE.During the month of November we will be showcasing some of our different volunteers and our committee members. As a non-profit organization, the IAHE relies...