
Why We Serve

The IAHE is blessed with the best volunteers! Everyone has a different capacity to serve during different times in their life. It takes a team of many different people, in different stages of life to serve the homeschool community. With the wisdom and experience of...

2017 Indiana Home Education Week

Governor Holcomb has declared March 19-25, 2017, as Home Education Week in Indiana! It is scheduled to coincide with Indiana Association of Home Educators’ Annual Convention on March 24-25. It’s our week to celebrate home educators’ accomplishments!...

Homeschooling Held Hostage, by Heidi St. John

(This article was reprinted with permission by Heidi St. John at heidistjohn.com) I remember the day we decided to pull our daughter out of school. The day we “made it public”—this decision to homeschool. I.Was.Terrified.  Really.  My knees were knocking...