The IAHE Blog
Inspiration in Three Hundred Pages
How we spend our time reflects what we love. What we believe to be important. For many homeschooled high schoolers, this manifests as reading. You may very well have a student who can’t wait to finish all his or her responsibilities just for a chance to curl up with a...
How to Make Homeschool Friends in Indiana
Looking to make homeschool friends in a state other than Indiana? Check out’s blog post from homeschool organizations nationwide! Have you found yourself longing for the connection of friends? Have you moved from out of state or maybe even just...
Why Homeschool High School?
Is it hard to homeschool high school? Should we only homeschool until our teen is ready for the upper grades? What are the benefits of homeschooling all the way through? These are some of the questions that many parents may have when it comes to deciding if they...
Easter Activities
As Easter approaches, a slew of activities will likely be taking place in your area—church services, egg hunts, cookouts, and the like. This holiday is a great time of year, not only is the weather usually mild to warm, but it is usually a fantastic way to get...
Keeping Your Teens Engaged
“I’ll do it later mom” or “leave me alone” are common phrases spoken by teens as they head to their room and shut the door. Navigating the teen years is challenging, but homeschooling through the teen years is even more difficult. You are never sure if your teen is...
Pursuing Patience
As Christians, we know we should be patient with our children. Some might not admit it, but it can be tough to deal with unruly, wild, or rude children. I have been a dance teacher for children aged 4-13 for about two years, and during that time I have had to deal...
Extracurriculars for High Schoolers
Extracurricular activities are a part of high school, but are they really important? Yes! Extracurricular activities provide the chance to learn valuable life lessons while earning high school credit. They give teens an opportunity to take a break and do something...
Taming the Dragons
A Tale of a Wandering Mind A dragon swoops over the roofs of a mountain village, roaring in fury. Several men in glowing metal armor run toward a chrome spaceship, blasters in hand. Metal rings on metal as a pirate battles a mutinous crew member atop the rolling deck...
Look What You’ve Helped Us Do!
Dear IAHE Members and Supporters, As we wrap up another year of dedication to the cause of home education, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on the accomplishments of the Indiana Association of Home Educators (IAHE) over the past year. We are immensely proud of...