
The IAHE Blog

Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory

Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory

Just what happened today at the Indiana Statehouse? In light of the recent “compromise” on the RFRA which was signed into law today, we would like to express our thoughts on what happened. First of all, the compromise was released this morning, giving us little time...

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Liberty is Strengthened; RFRA is Law

Liberty is Strengthened; RFRA is Law

IAHE was pleased to be present at the SEA 101 RFRA bill signing ceremony last Thursday. Indiana home educators should thank our Governor and the Indiana General Assembly for RFRA.  It strengthens Indiana homeschoolers' standing before the courts in matters relating to...

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SB 101 Third Reading Results

SB 101 Third Reading Results

How did your State Representative vote on third reading of SB 101? SB 101 or Religious Freedom Restoration Act passed third reading in the Indiana House today.  Here is the vote tally, so you may see how your State Representative voted.  SB 101's next stop will be a...

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Second Reading Update: SB 101

Second Reading Update: SB 101

Second Reading SB 101 Vote Results from Thursday SB 101 or the Religious Freedom Restoration Act passed out of Second Reading on Thursday without Amendments.   We have received questions about how State Representatives voted for the amendments.  Our hope was that...

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New Study: Black Homeschooling Families

New Study: Black Homeschooling Families

A new study of Black homeschooling families reveals remarkable findings. Dr. Brian Ray and the National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI) examined Black parents' reasons for homeschooling and their children's academic achievement. "The Black homeschool...

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SB 101 RFRA Homeschool Related Testimony

SB 101 RFRA Homeschool Related Testimony

As IAHE has stated previously, SB 101, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), is important to Indiana home educators. To illustrate our point, we are posting two videos from Monday's House Judiciary Committee hearing. The first testimony is that of Peter Breen....

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Why RFRA is Important to Indiana Home Educators

Why RFRA is Important to Indiana Home Educators

There have been questions regarding SB 101, otherwise known as RFRA, and why it is important for homeschoolers to support it. It is important to understand the history of the homeschool movement and how the RFRA will protect First Amendment rights.  Here is testimony...

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