
What If Last Year Was a Math Disaster?

As the school year came to an end, final tests were administered, and grades were calculated. You worked hard all year, but as you closed the book on each subject, you kept pushing off math because you knew what was coming. Math was a complete disaster!  It would be...

IAHE Birthday Bash Surprises

Happy 39th Birthday IAHE! It is through the faithfulness and support of our founders, past and present volunteers, and YOU, that the IAHE is here today to celebrate 39 years of serving Indiana homeschoolers.  We truly wouldn’t be here today without your...

50 Screen-Free Ideas to Beat Boredom

Many of us homeschool families have put away the schoolbooks for the summer and are savoring the idea of some school-free weeks or months in which we can catch our breath and do some planning for next semester. But with summer in Indiana comes a few things we can...

6 Ways to Make Your Backyard a Science Center

Children are naturally fascinated by nature. How many times has your child pointed out yet another budding tree branch, or showed the “bestest ever dirt-covered rock” (that looks strangely identical to all his other dirt-covered bestest ever rocks)? Making time...

Homeschooled & Proud of It

My homeschool journey began a decade ago, when my parents decided to homeschool me in second grade. Before that, I had attended a private Christian school where I learned virtually nothing and was bored to tears. My parents thought homeschooling would be the best...

Exploring Career Options: HVAC/Electrician/Plumber

As homeschoolers, we are blessed to be able to provide our children with the opportunity to learn about and experience first-hand various career options. Preparing them to be self-sufficient adults can be a daunting task. But that is made easier by the freedom we have...