
Common Core Reversal – Are We There Yet?

Indiana homeschoolers, we need to stay vigilant on the Common Core front.  There are encouraging signs, but we must make sure we do not find that Common Core has only been repackaged.  We must maintain local control to have any choice in education. Heather Crossin of...

Big Study of Adults Who Were Churched Growing Up

After 30 years of following the homeschool movement, we’ve learned something about homeschool graduates’ academic and socio-economic successes through various studies. But what about the spiritual condition of this first generation of home education?  How...

How Existing Users Can Access the Website

Ads & Affiliates If you were a registered user of the previous IAHE website, you’ve got access to the new site as well. All existing users need to do is follow the instructions below to generate a password reset request that will be sent to the email...

Thank you for your support!

We are grateful to all of the families that supported our Creation Museum fundraiser!  We are pleased to let you know that we raised just over $1,500. Your support is crucial to helping us serve homeschooling families all year long.  Have you made plans to attend the...