
Thank You to the IAHE Legislative Team!

Although the Indiana General Assembly only meets three or four months of the year. The IAHE Legislative Team works year round.  2014 will be a short session of ten intense weeks from January to mid-March.The IAHE legislative team monitors committee meetings during the...

Thank you to our financial donors!

In a celebration of Thanksgiving, we are continuing our month-long blog series to say thank you to our IAHE volunteers.As a non-profit organization, the IAHE is grateful for the families that generously donate their time, energy and resources.Today, we would like to...

Speaker Bosma and Common Core…some encouraging news!

On November 6, 2013, Speaker of the House Brian Bosma met with concerned Hoosiers to discuss the Common Core State Standards. Speaker Bosma was very firm in his commitment that Indiana retains full control of our children’s education. Because of his concern over...

Thank you to our Informer magazine volunteers!

In celebration of Thanksgiving, we would like to give thanks to the many volunteers that are a part of the IAHE.During the month of November we will be showcasing some of our different volunteers and our committee members. As a non-profit organization, the IAHE relies...

Thank you to our IAHE Convention volunteers!

Without our many, many volunteers the annual IAHE’s Home Educators’ Convention wouldn’t be possible. It takes so many volunteers that we can’t fit them all in one post. Here is just one portion of the people that offered their time to help make...

A season of thanksgiving!

In celebration of Thanksgiving, we would like to give thanks to the many volunteers that are a part of the IAHE.During the month of November we will be showcasing some of our different volunteers and our committee members. As a non-profit organization, the IAHE relies...

Stand for Truth

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life.”   –Jesus of Nazareth, God come in the flesh   recorded in John 14:6 In today’s postmodern world of relative truth, a strategy has emerged for dealing with uncomfortable ideas.  People just simply...

Starting Strong

Back to school. For many of us the desire for a return to structure competes with a deep fear of, “Can I really do this?” So many home schoolers begin the new year wondering if they are making the best choice for their children–or hopelessly failing...