
Although the Indiana General Assembly only meets three or four months of the year. The IAHE Legislative Team works year round.  2014 will be a short session of ten intense weeks from January to mid-March.

The IAHE legislative team monitors committee meetings during the session in addition to State Board of Education meetings, and summer study committee meetings.  They follow up on issues and prepare for possible issues that may arise during the session.  They build relationships with elected officials.

The committee evaluates approximately 2,000 bills that are introduced each session and monitors their progress.  They testify at hearings and are available to legislators, the press, and other media outlets that have questions or desire an interview about home education in Indiana. 

The Legislative Director, Sandra Frazer, moderates the IAHE legislative panel at the IAHE Convention, oversees the IAHE Legislative Day Reception at the Statehouse, and is the “point person” for the team.

New this year we have a Legislative Intern.  Jake Hibbitt is a homeschool high school senior.  In addition to helping out with reading bills, meeting with legislators, etc., he has a major role in implementing IAHE’s Legislative Day Dessert Reception in February.

IAHE would like to thank the following volunteers on our Legislative Team:  Micah Clark, Frank Franks, Sandra Frazer, Jake Hibbitt, Debi Ketron, Cindy Noe, Alison Slatter, Camille Cantwell, and Tyler White.