by Connie Albers | Oct 6, 2021 | General
Hello! Happy fall! Here we are in October. It’s hard to believe we are only a few months away from ringing in 2022. Yet, it seems like 2021 has flown by. So much in life has changed and continues to change. Have the changes made it more challenging to manage...
by Lacey Hooie | Sep 28, 2021 | General
Contests can provide a healthy opportunity to motivate our students to do their best work. With their varied topics, they offer your student a chance to explore and learn about a subject, person, part of history, or field they may not be as familiar with. It can also...
by Jill Wildermuth | Sep 6, 2021 | General
You need a loaf of bread. You can go to the store, grab a pre-made, pre-sliced, pre-bagged loaf off the shelf, scan it on your pay-as-you-shop app, and head home. Easy peasy! Or, you can go to the store, buy flour and yeast, head home, look up a recipe for making...
by Lacey Hooie | Aug 30, 2021 | General
Math is everywhere. Even if you don’t notice it, you use some type of math skill everyday. You might be doing something directly with numbers, like setting a weekly budget, balancing your checkbook, or baking cookies. However, math isn’t always so direct; you use...
by Jill Wildermuth | Aug 14, 2021 | General
Many new homeschoolers’ first stumbling block is the realization that, despite assurances by teachers over the years, their child’s reading ability is not nearly as good as parents had assumed. As a parent, our first instinct is to grab every reading help workbook,...