
Home School High School Form Continues to Be Misapplied

This post originally appeared on the IAHE Action blog on May 19, 2016.  IAHE and the homeschoolers of the state of Indiana are cc’d in the letter.   Indiana Association of Home Educators (IAHE) receives many questions from new homeschoolers. Unfortunately,...

Providing an Equivalent Education

One of the benefits of home education is the ability to tailor your child’s education to his or her specific needs. When one follows traditional textbooks and learning styles, it is not difficult to document that education is taking place. One of the methods that home...

Dyslexia Helps

Often families seek answers in the IAHE Homeschool Discussion group about dyslexia. Many helpful suggestions have been offered, and we are compiling some of them here for future reference. The Barton Method is the “Cadillac” curriculum, but others find...