
Big Study of Adults Who Were Churched Growing Up

After 30 years of following the homeschool movement, we’ve learned something about homeschool graduates’ academic and socio-economic successes through various studies. But what about the spiritual condition of this first generation of home education?  How...

New IAHE Board Members

 We are pleased to announce that we have new Board members!  Mark & Tara Bentley have done much for the IAHE for the past couple of years.  We are so pleased they are now joining the IAHE Board of Directors. Mark and Tara first entered the homeschooling world in...

Thank You to the IAHE Legislative Team!

Although the Indiana General Assembly only meets three or four months of the year. The IAHE Legislative Team works year round.  2014 will be a short session of ten intense weeks from January to mid-March.The IAHE legislative team monitors committee meetings during the...

Speaker Bosma and Common Core…some encouraging news!

On November 6, 2013, Speaker of the House Brian Bosma met with concerned Hoosiers to discuss the Common Core State Standards. Speaker Bosma was very firm in his commitment that Indiana retains full control of our children’s education. Because of his concern over...