What About High School?
Homeschool 101: What About High School?
Thousands of young people throughout the United States are graduating from home schools each year across the country. Many are going on to college, some are going straight to the work force, some are joining the military, and some are starting their own businesses. What the statistics have shown is that the majority of home educated graduates are successfully moving into adulthood.
We now have generations of families who have gone before us, who have successfully graduated young men and women from homeschooling. If God has placed this desire in your heart to homeschool through high school, may you move forward in confidence and graduate sons and daughters prepared for adulthood.
Read More
- Colleges Welcome Growing Number of Homeschooled Students
- Home-Schooled Teens Ripe for College
- The Basics of College Scholarships and Financial Aid
- “At MIT, we do not have separate requirements for homeschooled applicants. Homeschooled applicants, like all of our applicants, are considered within their context, which includes schooling choice, family situation, geographic location, resources, opportunities, and challenges.” – MIT Admissions
Additional High School Articles
What is your best advice for high school?
We asked our homeschool veterans in our Facebook Group for their best advice for new homeschool families approaching 9th grade.
IF your child is college-bound, and could possibly be admitted to a highly selective college, you will need the types of classes that the government-schooled kids are required to take (but we aren’t). But instead of the same old physics, biology, chemistry (with a second year of one), plus algebra, geometry, algebra 2 and precalculus, you can change it up: if your child feels the pull of the ocean, then do Marine Biology. A math nut can do astronomy and astrophysics.
Speech/debate are something every kid in government school must take, but it’s hard to do at home (unless they really love talking to themselves in the mirror). For this reason, a co-op or debate club is a need.
Start scholarship-hunting early. With diligence, they can greatly reduce their future debt burden.
Also, National Merit Scholarships are based on only their Junior year PSAT (October); so if your student is academically inclined and is a solid test-taker, keep track of deadlines for that.
If suddenly a few years go by, and you didn’t start or maintain a Course Description for each class (many universities request that of homeschoolers to accompany their transcript), don’t worry — it can be completed with a few days of eating and breathing mostly that. Whew!

It’s a whole lot easier and less stressful to pull together college applications when you have records and don’t have to rely on memory.
Rigorous is good, but that’s going to look different for each student depending on their strengths and weaknesses. Give them time/space/resources to develop their strengths but don’t let them neglect shoring up their weaknesses either.
Your son/daughter will have a period of time when their brain seems to have fallen out. It will make you insane and worried and despair for their futures. But about 17-17.5 years old they somehow pull it together and surprise the heck out of you how much they can accomplish.