
This time of year, as I look back on the year’s learning and look ahead to all that is left to accomplish, I find in the words of Jesus, recorded in John 17:3, an important perspective.

“And this is eternal life,
that they may know You, the only true God,
and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.”

While we, of course, still value the responsible completion of our assignments, when I consider Jesus’ words, I am challenged to actively avoid being simply on auto-pilot, to avoid being so caught up in the routine of daily tasks that we would somehow overlook His call to relationship.  Our call, above all others, is to abide in Him, so that we would know Him.  Do our children truly understand that eternal life, according to Jesus, is to know Him?

Oh, that each day would be rightly arranged to reflect this, both for us and for our children. . .  

Because, in the end, whether we know Him is all that will matter.

“More than that, I count all things to be loss
in view of the surpassing value
of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. . .”
Philippians 3:8

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.

Homeschooling with her husband, Scott, since 2001, Carol believes nothing is too difficult for God.  She is a passionate encourager and loves using creative means–including writing music, speaking, and blogging–to encourage others to trust God through all the adventures He calls them to.  You can read more from her at her Unsmotherable Delight blog (udelight.blogspot.com), where you’ll find faith-filled original songs, favorite scriptures, family stories, and even a little film about adoption, all designed to inspire and lift your spirit.  Her ‘theme song’ titled Captain’s Anthem can be heard on Vimeo at http://vimeo.com/30769152.