
Our son graduated college today. At the last moment, he was informed he would graduate cum laud.

Amazing. My son who you couldn’t pay to read. Who doodled his way through math. Who just wanted to go film movies in the backyard.

Admitted to one of the best colleges in Indiana, he pursued a Communications major which allowed him to go film movies in the backyard of Hanover College. Then, of London, England. Then, of Athens, Greece.

The admiration of my son as he walked across the platform to receive his diploma is impossible to describe. Added was the sense of utter relief. I hadn’t ruined all chances of future success by home schooling him. I hadn’t ruined all chances of future success by failing to meet every element of our curriculum. I hadn’t ruined all chances of success by being a very imperfect mom and often not reacting as I should.

God is so incredibly faithful. I got up every morning and simply said, “God, please be our teacher today. Please guide and direct us. Show me how you are forming these children and guide to be your tool.” Every day God put into place the elements of His plan for each child–Braden included.

God showed us Braden’s amazing ability for making movies. God then provided a cheap camera and a bevy of friends and sibling willing to be directed. God provided a backyard perfect for bringing Braden’s stories to life. God wrote His plan into Braden’s life–guiding every step.

God promises to do that for each of us. We don’t need to know the whole plan for schooling. We serve a God who knows the plan. We serve a God who simply asks that we faithfully show up each day ready to be guided by Him. Then, He works in our children to bring their passions and skills to fruition.

As I look at my first grader, I am so relieved. Because there are days you can’t pay her to read. She doodles her way through math. She just wants to play with her stuffed animals on the front porch. Yet, I know God is kindling in her the passion for the call He has placed in her heart. Trusting God, I can look forward to the future He is writing for her.