
“His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” 2 Peter 1:3

How do you describe home schooling to others?

Fruitful, close-knit, joyful—when people publicly discuss home schooling, they often focus on the positive. Yet, when speaking privately adjectives like frustrating, overwhelming, and discouraging often enter the conversation.

The IAHE is excited to introduce a new website complete with a blog to encourage and nurture homeschooling parents all along the continuum. For days where your homeschooling endeavors prove fruitful, we want to rejoice with you and encourage your joy. For days when home schooling seems more overwhelming and discouraging, we want to come alongside to grieve with you in what is troublesome and to encourage you through the difficulty—perhaps even offering a tip or insight that will create a better way.

Most often the discouragement comes from comparing our home schooling efforts to families around us. The other family’s five children all won art competitions this year; we can’t even find our drawing pencils. The other family excels at science fairs; our caterpillar died before becoming a monarch. Comparison kills joy.

As this blog begins, please be encouraged by this foundational principle—you are the expert for your children. God says so. When God fashioned you in the womb of your mother, His design included enabling you to disciple your children in all areas of life –including their education

Sure, you can learn from others. Sure, you can grow, adjust, transition to new ways. But, God fashioned you to be the teacher your children need—not your neighbor, not your co-op leader, not the speaker at the convention, not the author of this blog. He has already provided everything you need to train up your children in the way they need to go. 2 Peter 1:3. You simply need to turn to Him in every moment of home schooling and ask Him to fill you with His Spirit to guide and direct your ways. God’s rejoices to answer that prayer.

A fruitful, close-knit, joyful home schooling family comes first and foremost from being the family God designed. Though each home schooling family should share the traits of excellence, faithfulness, and perseverance, God shapes our families to exhibit those traits in very different ways. He designed your family to fit a unique role in bringing about His kingdom. Because your family’s role is unique, your focus, your pattern, and your priorities in home schooling will uniquely tailor to that purpose.

Through this blog, the authors hope to offer tips, insights, and encouragements for your home schooling journey. Please use those that edify your family; toss those that don’t. In everything ask, “God, how can I use this to train my children in Your ways?” As God answers this prayer, may your fruitfulness and joy in your home schooling endeavor increase.

Tess Worrell is married to Mike Worrell and together they enjoy discipling their eight children. They are in their 14th year of home schooling. Tess also writes and speaks to various groups on issues of marriage, parenting, and living as a Godly woman. Tess would love to hear your input. You can contact her at tess@yourfamilymatterstous.com or visit her website: YourFamilyMatterstous.com.