
Indiana Network of Knowledge is Indiana’s State-wide Longitudinal Data System

The new Indiana state educational standards still contain a high percentage of Common Core standards, so homeschoolers must continue to stay informed regarding Common Core information.  This linked article from the Homeschool Handbook was written by Nicholas Tampio who is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Fordham University, and it addresses testing concerns related to big data and homeschoolers.

In October 2012, the White House chief technology officer explained what the Big Data revolution entails for education. In remarks to a Datapalooza conference, Todd Walker explained that, “You take the data that’s already there and jujitsu it, put it in machine-readable form, let entrepreneurs take it and turn it into awesomeness.” In colorful prose, Walker expresses the administration’s enthusiasm for what Big Data can accomplish in schools. What Walker fails to acknowledge is the dangers posed by Big Data and the need to safeguard children’s personal information.

Read more here. (You can skip past the requirement to add your email simply by clicking the X in the corner of the email request box.)

Link to IAHE’s previous blog post regarding Pioneer Institute’s Data Privacy White Paper.
