
Home School Day at the Capitol, Tomorrow

By Micah Clark AFA-IN/IAHE Legislative LiaisonThe annual Indiana Association of Home Educator’s “Home Education Day at the Capitol” starts tomorrow with a workshop at 10 am in room 120 of the Indiana Convention Center. Following an hour break at noon, there will be...

People remember: 10% of what they hear 15% of what they see 20% of what they see and hear 40% of what they discuss with others 80% of what they experience 90% of what they attempt to teach What does this say about home schooling? A whole lot! I don’t know about...

This Business of Loving

I’ve noticed something.  Sometimes we look at each other’s families and think everybody but us has it all together.  Everybody else’s families get along better than ours.  Their garden is more productive.  Their children are smarter.  We think other...

Safe in My Mouth

“When someone loves you the way they say your name is different. You know your name is safe in their mouth.” Billy, age 4. I use my children’s names countless times each day—to call, to scold, to direct. Do their names sound safe in my mouth? I know for sure they...