
His Thoughts

Every spring we have at least one nest of robins in our yard.  Last year we had three–that we know of.  We have so much fun watching the babies go from bald to fluffy to flying in just a few days, and we check on them quite often to see how they’re doing. But...

Power Words for Parents–On a Mission

I love words. Words that inspire. Words that convict. Words that encourage. I especially love words that get my children to do what I ask.In reading a blog post from the National Center for Biblical Parenting (NCBP), I found such a phrase. “On a mission.”...

That They May Know Him

This time of year, as I look back on the year’s learning and look ahead to all that is left to accomplish, I find in the words of Jesus, recorded in John 17:3, an important perspective. “And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God,...

2012 Spring Greetings From the Board

Greetings from the IAHE Board, Spring 2012 It is with great joy and excitement that we bring you this spring edition of The Informer. We have gathered for you a collection of articles and stories that we believe will encourage your hearts and quicken your spirits....

The Finish Line

Though schedules vary, many home schoolers close the school year in May. For some, May becomes a light at the end of the long tunnel. For others, it looms as the blinding flash of a freight train hurtling toward them. However we see it–May is a finish line. How...

Why Doesn’t My Discipline Work?!

What frustrates you most as a parent? For me–disciplining the same behavior over. . .and over. . .and over. I often find myself saying, “Are we here again?!” Why can’t my children simply learn the lesson? Why can’t they just do what I...