
Protecting Our Children

My mind is still reeling from the news out of Connecticut. While so many in our culture ask, “How could someone go after children?”–we know the answer. Sadly. We know that we live in a culture that “goes after children.”From abortion, to...

Can Good Be Bad?

“My kingdom is not of this world.”  ~Jesus Christ, the Master and great Shepherd of the sheep As recorded in John 19:36 If we have chosen to follow Christ, we have committed to a life that is clearly outside the world’s cultural norms and is governed by heavenly...

3 Tips to Prevent Meltdown at Christmas Gatherings

Tis the season to see friends and family, attend special programs, and tour the lights. As our family sat around the dinner table the other night, a question came up, “What are your favorite family traditions?” Everyone named a Christmas tradition–a...

Thanksgiving–The Season That Never Ends

When we first returned from Ukraine with our newly adopted thirteen-year-old daughter, my dad went around the house with her, labeling things with sticky-notes.  Her repertoire of English vocabulary was very small, so he was helping to add to it.  I still smile when I...

What makes information stick?

Each evening, everyone around our dinner table shares the most interesting thing they learned that day. One night, for my turn, I shared my amazement that the Chinese had handguns and movable type for printing around 1000 A.D. What makes this so surprising? I’ve...

3 Steps to Thankfulness

“Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. . . “ Psalm 100:4 Thanksgiving may be the best holiday of the year. No gifts to buy, no pressure to create a certain experience, no special plays or musicals—simply a day to gather together and give...