
Get Your Game Face On!

After the 1,000th round of Hi-Ho Cherry-O, we’re all ready for something new! But finding games the whole family enjoys that younger children can play with their older siblings can be a challenge. Here are some ideas for you. These games are great for PreK to...

Summertime Creativity

It doesn’t seem like that long ago when my children were finishing up their schoolwork and looking forward to a change of routine in the summer. I remember preparing for our time off of “regular” school—trying to find a balance between planned activities and down time...

Raising Patriotic Kids in an Unpatriotic World

If there’s ever a time to instill patriotism in our kids, it is now! In a time where history is being re-written, American heroes are being vilified, family values are disappearing, and the Constitution is being trampled on, it is imperative that we parents raise up...

2021 IAHE Birthday Bash Week!

It’s time to celebrate the IAHE’s 38th birthday! We want to thank you for your support and encouragement. Don’t miss these great deals below!   Did you know that the IAHE is one of the oldest homeschool organizations in the country? Founded June...

Summer Projects for All

Summer means different things to different people. It can mean vacations and traveling or sports and nights out, and to some, it might just mean hot and buggy. Whatever summer means to you, the season is now upon us, and whether you are taking a study break for a...