
What Matters Most in Choosing a Homeschool Curriculum?

It’s time for another homeschool convention, and I am looking forward to it. My favorite part of a convention is the one-on-one time I spend with parents and students.  Each child is a unique work of art crafted by God, who gave that child specific gifts designed to...

Celebrating Presidents’ Day at Home

On February 22, 1778, a group of men stood outside General George Washington’s quarters at Valley Forge, playing a lively tune with drums and fifes. They were celebrating his birthday. Today, we honor him and other past presidents by celebrating Presidents’ Day.  The...

Homeschool Freedom: What You Need to Know for 2025

In September, at HSLDA’s National Leaders Conference, the IAHE Board and our Executive Director, Tara Bentley, listened as the HSLDA attorneys gave their yearly State of the Nation regarding the trajectory of homeschooling freedoms in America.  This year’s...