
The Sweet Spot

“Are your children always like this?” asked the pastor of the church a family was visiting. Mom glanced at her brood–sitting perfectly straight in the chairs, talking in whispers. “Not a chance!” “Good. For a minute I was worried...

Of Pots and Symphonies

“Where in the world. . .” I frantically searched the cupboards, the dishwasher, the kitchen counters. Where in the world were my pots? Behind schedule as usual, I just needed a pot to steam the veggies for a quick dinner before heading the family out the door. I...

Rotten Bones Not On The Menu

Thanks to Tess for Red Trucks and Rotten Bones.  How very true!  Jealousy and discontent can kill your joy in a flash.  Yet gratitude and contentment can restore it.A year or so ago, our son wrote about how God worked in his heart on just such a theme. (The background...

Red Trucks and Rotten Bones

“A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.” Proverbs 14:10. Do your children ever struggle with jealousy? Do siblings battle over who gets the red fire truck? Complain about how big a piece of pie someone else received? Grumble...

Loving for Life

What’s the most important lesson you taught this week? Did your daughter finally conquer those multiplication tables? Did your son learn all 50 state capitals? Did you by chance teach your children how to love their spouse for life? As I sprinted through this...

The Invisible Work

“For I am confident of this very thing,  that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6 October 31, 1992, we moved into our first house.  The frost had already come and the previous owner had graciously...

Home School Day at the Capitol, Tomorrow

By Micah Clark AFA-IN/IAHE Legislative LiaisonThe annual Indiana Association of Home Educator’s “Home Education Day at the Capitol” starts tomorrow with a workshop at 10 am in room 120 of the Indiana Convention Center. Following an hour break at noon, there will be...