
IAHE Mentioned in National Review Online Article

“What started in Indiana is not staying in Indiana.” ~ National Review OnlineIndiana Association of Home Educators (IAHE) was mentioned in this National Review Online article.   It explains the timeline and shows how much time and effort was put forth by...

Doing the Job

“Why won’t this thing just do its job?!”  With a pile of dishes to wash, my frustration mounted as the newly purchased stopper failed to keep dishwater in the sink. Despite repeated wiggling, the suds simply drained away. “It has one job! Why...

Curing Overwhelmed Home Schooling Parent Syndrome

Two years into our home schooling journey–I was wiped out. New baby, meeting needs of our variety of children, learning how to teach much less what to teach–all while still trying to be a good wife and keep the house going–it was overwhelming. I...

Making Our Children Happy

What defines happiness?As my son and I were sharing what had been going on during our week, he offered some insights from his reading of Plato. “I’m learning how important it is to define the terms we use,” he said. “For example, when we say...

Recipe for Peace

How often do you feel at perfect peace? I have to admit that too often I feel frazzled and troubled. This tendency recently became crystal clear. It also pointed to some bad lessons I’m teaching my children. We are trying to sell our home. This process has been...

In Step With The Spirit

Just think what our homes could be like and how it would affect our children if we were truly in step with the Spirit, devoted moment by moment to God’s purposes . . . Only three verses in all of Scripture about her, but I’m convinced I would have loved her. ...

One Mother’s Night Job

This post is dedicated to everyone who has ever lain awake worrying over something, or might ever be tempted to. . . At 5:12 last Wednesday morning the lights came on.No, not the electric lights.  Something dawned on my heart–and I realized something.I awoke to...