
Mom Advice from the Heart

“This too shall pass.” As I sat with a group of moms who were contributing insights for an upcoming book, one mom offered this as her touchstone for the years of raising her children. “In everything,” she said, “I try to remember,...

Indiana Withdraws from PARCC #stopcommoncore

IAHE received this from the Governor’s office.  The testing is only a concern to those families who enroll in public school.  Home education is privately-funded, so we are not required to use state testing. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEJuly 29, 2013GOVERNOR PENCE...

Common Core News #stopcommoncore

IAHE has learned that of the three legislative study sessions only one will be dedicated to review the standards.  From Heather Crossin, “Obviously, the “quality” of the math and ELA Standards are of utmost importance to many, who had hoped they...

How do I make time for that?!

I was with a group of moms recently, and we were all bemoaning the status of our weight. “How do you find time to exercise?” a friend asked. Her question took me back 15 years to a conversation when I asked, “With all these children, a husband, home...

Governor Appoints Members to State Board of Education

IAHE received this from the Governor’s office:   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   June 13, 2013     GOVERNOR APPOINTS MEMBERS TO STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION   Pence Names Four New Appointments, Two Reappointments to Board     Indianapolis – Governor Mike Pence today...

The Path to Happiness

“Happiness is the state of human flourishing. Human flourishing is reached by means of a virtuous life.” Socrates A friend recently returned several books I lent on home schooling with the comment, “Thanks for all the information. My husband and I...

With No Apologies

Warning:  Exclusive claims ahead. No, not about what curriculum or method of education to use, these claims are about something much more basic–more foundational–than that.   I am about to make an exclusive claim about a foundation. Actually, I’m not...