
What makes information stick?

Each evening, everyone around our dinner table shares the most interesting thing they learned that day. One night, for my turn, I shared my amazement that the Chinese had handguns and movable type for printing around 1000 A.D. What makes this so surprising? I’ve...

3 Steps to Thankfulness

“Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. . . “ Psalm 100:4 Thanksgiving may be the best holiday of the year. No gifts to buy, no pressure to create a certain experience, no special plays or musicals—simply a day to gather together and give...

Fall Breaks

Ads & Affiliates To break or not to break, that is the question. While not as resonating as Shakespeare’s version, many home schooling families wonder whether a fall break messes with the just-established schedule or offers a needed respite. I have to...

Unclicking the Clique

“I don’t think we’re going to be part of the co-op next year,” a mom shared over coffee one morning.Seeing the hurt in her eyes, I asked, “What’s going on? Is there a problem?””Well . . . the kids just don’t feel...

3 Keys for Dealing with Parental Anger

Anger. What is it with anger? How can we be so in love and engaged with our children one moment, then so angry the next? Few parents escape that sick feeling of guilt after we’ve truly blown it with our child.We know when our blow-ups are wrong. We know the...