
No fair!!!

“No fair!” How often do your children shout these words?In our home, the cry of “No fair!” is usually followed by a call for mom to come work things out. I don’t know about you, but the thing I like most about our home schooling (being...

Resolutions for a Healthy Marriage

Home schooling families tend to be great goal setters. We set goals for our academics, for our children’s spiritual growth, and for our co-ops. In all this we juggle so much. Home, school, church, extra curricular activities, work–sometimes in all this our...

New Year’s Resolution–Defeat the Enemy Within

To look at Jessica*, you’d never guess what she faces on a daily basis. Long, rich brown hair, a lean well-shaped figure, and a smile that could light New York City. Yet, a deadly killer lives inside her–growing. In her second bout of cancer, Jessica...

Protecting Our Children

My mind is still reeling from the news out of Connecticut. While so many in our culture ask, “How could someone go after children?”–we know the answer. Sadly. We know that we live in a culture that “goes after children.”From abortion, to...

3 Tips to Prevent Meltdown at Christmas Gatherings

Tis the season to see friends and family, attend special programs, and tour the lights. As our family sat around the dinner table the other night, a question came up, “What are your favorite family traditions?” Everyone named a Christmas tradition–a...