
Starting Strong

Back to school. For many of us the desire for a return to structure competes with a deep fear of, “Can I really do this?” So many home schoolers begin the new year wondering if they are making the best choice for their children–or hopelessly failing...

Mom Advice from the Heart

“This too shall pass.” As I sat with a group of moms who were contributing insights for an upcoming book, one mom offered this as her touchstone for the years of raising her children. “In everything,” she said, “I try to remember,...

How do I make time for that?!

I was with a group of moms recently, and we were all bemoaning the status of our weight. “How do you find time to exercise?” a friend asked. Her question took me back 15 years to a conversation when I asked, “With all these children, a husband, home...

The Path to Happiness

“Happiness is the state of human flourishing. Human flourishing is reached by means of a virtuous life.” Socrates A friend recently returned several books I lent on home schooling with the comment, “Thanks for all the information. My husband and I...

Doing the Job

“Why won’t this thing just do its job?!”  With a pile of dishes to wash, my frustration mounted as the newly purchased stopper failed to keep dishwater in the sink. Despite repeated wiggling, the suds simply drained away. “It has one job! Why...