
The Bird Mother Philosophy

Ads & Affiliates As the traditional school calendar’s schedule winds down, some families are not engaged in as much formal study.  But did you know that summer vacation, lived intentionally, will build thinking skills?  And your children won’t even realize...


I do know a family or two who apparently stay totally on schedule for school, wrap it all up by Memorial Day, and take the entire summer off each year.  However, most of the homeschooling families I know do not; they have subjects to finish up or lingering projects to...

His Thoughts

Every spring we have at least one nest of robins in our yard.  Last year we had three–that we know of.  We have so much fun watching the babies go from bald to fluffy to flying in just a few days, and we check on them quite often to see how they’re doing. But...

That They May Know Him

This time of year, as I look back on the year’s learning and look ahead to all that is left to accomplish, I find in the words of Jesus, recorded in John 17:3, an important perspective. “And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God,...

More Taking It To Heart

I wasn’t yet a mother when I first heard of the ‘Terrible Two’s’.  I have to tell you I was really troubled by the term.  It wasn’t that I feared what would befall our household when we, Lord willing, would have a two-year-old of our own....