
Evolution’s Finest?

Several weeks ago, I had the opportunity to attend a debate between creationist Jay Wile (PhD nuclear chemistry) and evolutionist Robert A. Martin (PhD zoology).  I was absolutely amazed at the depth of evidence, or rather I should say lack thereof, presented by the...

Stand for Truth

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life.”   –Jesus of Nazareth, God come in the flesh   recorded in John 14:6 In today’s postmodern world of relative truth, a strategy has emerged for dealing with uncomfortable ideas.  People just simply...

With No Apologies

Warning:  Exclusive claims ahead. No, not about what curriculum or method of education to use, these claims are about something much more basic–more foundational–than that.   I am about to make an exclusive claim about a foundation. Actually, I’m not...

In Step With The Spirit

Just think what our homes could be like and how it would affect our children if we were truly in step with the Spirit, devoted moment by moment to God’s purposes . . . Only three verses in all of Scripture about her, but I’m convinced I would have loved her. ...