
Did you know there are SIX different ways to stay connected with news from IAHE?
The IAHE Website
If you homeschool, sign up for a FREE account.  Look for the link just below the log-in on the home page.  When you register, you will receive access to the Calendar, a Weekly Update, Legislative Updates, IAHE ID card, Forums, and Classifieds.  
If you are considering homeschooling, no need for an account.  All the information you need to help you decide is on our public pages.  Look around.  If you have a question, contact your Regional Representatives, and they can assist you!
The Informer
The Informer is the IAHE’s quarterly magazine.  Sign up at the link.  Since mailing costs continue to increase, a $12 donation is suggested.  You can also read it online.
We have a very active page.  LIKE us and be a part of our Facebook community!
Follow our helpful Boards.  You can find Convention information, Field Trip Ideas, Reading Lists, Free Curriculum, and all sorts of items that would interest Indiana homeschoolers!
Do you tweet?  Follow IAHE on Twitter!
You will find helpful parenting and homeschooling advice and much more!  Sign up to have it delivered to you by email.
After seeing all of your options, were you connected?  We’ll be looking for you!