Encourage. Protect. Serve.
The IAHE is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1983 for the purpose of serving the Lord Jesus Christ by supporting and encouraging families interested in home education. We define home education as parent-directed, home-based, privately-funded education.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the IAHE?
Our primary functions are maintaining visibility as home educators with civil government leaders, influencing the legislative process to protect our freedom to home educate, publishing information of interest for home educators, and sponsoring seminars and events to encourage families.
Who is the IAHE?
The IAHE is governed by a volunteer board of directors comprised of veteran home educating couples. Seventeen regional representative couples are in direct contact with local support groups, serving our families and state as efficiently as possible. Please feel free to contact your regional representative for more information concerning activities in your area. Many other dedicated volunteers contribute their time and energy to make this ministry successful.
How is the IAHE funded?
Our annual, state-wide convention provides a significant portion of our financial needs and we are also blessed by those who donate financially to support our work.
However, with the rapid growth of the home education movement, our needs and responsibilities continue to increase each year. Your tax-deductible contributions will enable us to continue serving home educating families. Note the IAHE is a not-for-profit organization, a 501(c) (3). Your tax-deductible donation helps us to continue to protect and promote home education across the State of Indiana.
Donate by clicking here or you may send a check to our office. Be sure to check out the Support Area of our website for more information.
What is the mission of the IAHE?
Our annual, state-wide convention provides the majority of our financial needs. However, with the growth of the home education movement, our needs and responsibilities are increasing. Your tax deductible contributions will enable us to continue serving home educating families.
How does the IAHE define homeschooling?
We define homeschooling as parent-directed, home-based, and privately-funded education.
You can read more about why maintaining this definition is so important in this blog post.