A common complaint against Christians in responding to concerns raised by skeptics is that they use the Bible to defend their claims rather than remaining neutral. This is especially common in the realm of science.Â
Skeptics say they don’t believe the Bible, so Christians should leave the Bible out of the argument to be more persuasive. But why would we leave the best and most fundamental truth out of our argument? If the Bible is to be wielded as a sword to discern what is true (Hebrews 4:12–13) and we are to speak it faithfully (Jeremiah 23:28–29), then how could we neglect using it? And if we don’t speak it, we are basically acknowledging to the skeptic that it doesn’t belong in the argument—that the Bible isn’t useful and can be set aside. Is that really the message we want to send? Instead, we should pick up the sword and do battle with the most powerful weapon at our disposal, tearing down the arguments of the skeptic and exalting the Word of the God who created everything. (For more on this topic, see the article Answering the Skeptics by Ken Ham and the book Expository Apologetics by Voddie Baucham.)
The same should be said for our educational philosophy when it comes to science—the Word of God should be the foundation. Science, in general, is the study of all that God has created. We are exploring the way that the laws God put in place at creation have functioned since the beginning of time. Those laws of nature can’t be broken, and they can’t be explained as the result of random, chance processes over billions of years. The naturalistic worldview (we might also call this the evolutionary worldview) that leaves God out of the picture can’t account for the existence of immaterial laws of nature, logic, order, or even the foundation for scientific exploration itself.
Only a worldview with a supernatural Creator can explain the origin of matter and energy from nothing, the laws of nature that govern that matter and energy, and the existence of logic and order to help mankind understand the laws and their implications, which explain the world we live in. And it is only the Bible’s account of the creation of the universe and the triune God that gives us a consistent and rational foundation. And that is the foundation we need to pass on to our children as we teach all of the scientific disciplines.
Finding a curriculum that does more than just tack a few Bible verses onto a secular textbook’s structure is a challenge but well worth the effort. And if you can’t find one, there are ways to supplement the curriculum with resources from ministries like Answers in Genesis. You must also take care to avoid curricula that only talk about a Designer (not specifying the God of the Bible!) or even refer to the Bible but then blend in evolutionary ideas, such as including cosmological evolution stemming from the big bang, geologic evolution involving millions of years of gradual processes, and even biological evolution of organisms, even if they teach the special creation of humans. Sadly, too many Christians today try to blend these false, naturalistic evolutionary ideas with the true, supernatural account of Scripture.
When it comes to teaching science, don’t skimp on the Bible. God’s Word should be the foundation for teaching in every area—especially when it comes to God’s creation and laws of nature. God’s Word is a sword, and it gives us an edge in the education of our children. Take it out of the sheath and use it at every opportunity.
Having a truly biblical worldview within your science curriculum is the goal, but at the very least, you need to be teaching it alongside and weaving it into the lessons as you go. If you are looking for supplemental resources, our Kids Answers magazine and the Kids Answers section of our website have tons of resources for the elementary years. Our AnswersInGenesis.org website has thousands of articles to answer questions on just about every scientific topic for the older ages. And for the visual learners, our Answers TV streaming service has hundreds of scientific videos. Unlocking Science, Hike & Seek, Lily’s Lab, Kashtan’s Wildlife in the Zoo, and other programs will give your family science from a biblical worldview.
Come hear Roger Patterson at the 2025 IAHE Parenting and Homeschool Conference!Â