The back-to-school season is upon us again. This can be a busy time for homeschool families. Just like our public and private school counterparts, there are things to do like buy supplies and clothing, think about extracurriculars, and get registered and enrolled in programs. However, homeschool families have added responsibilities. Curriculum must be purchased, lesson plans must be developed, and our learning spaces must be prepared. Although these elements are fun if you are homeschooling geeks like us, they aren’t the most important element of back-to-school planning. Here are our top three tips for making your school year a success.
Pray for Guidance
As a distinctly Christian organization serving all homeschoolers, the IAHE wants to encourage you to put God first this year. Begin with prayer. Acknowledge that God is in control of your homeschool. Ask for his provision, protection, and blessing. Finally, lay your worries at the foot of the Cross. He is a good Father. He will be a light on your path.
Take every opportunity to pray as a family and with your children before the school year begins and throughout the year. Praying with your children can be beneficial because they hear your heart for them. You also get to hear what is on their hearts, what they are excited for and nervous about. Together you can lay these things before God, building a stronger relationship with Him and with each other.
Establish or Review Your Why’s
Whether you are new to homeschooling or have a few years under your belt, you should establish and regularly review your reasons for homeschooling. Are you homeschooling for religious, academic, or family unity reasons? These are just a few of the possibilities. Often, there will be multiple reasons, but likely there will be one or two main reasons. Keeping these in mind will help guide you through your planning process. It will help you determine what curriculum to use, what extracurricular activities to include, and even what supplies to purchase.
If you would like help developing your “why,” check out Developing Your WHY as a Homeschool Family, a 2024 IAHE Parenting and Homeschooling Conference workshop. Cindy Briggs invites you to uncover the true purpose behind your homeschooling journey. You will come away from this session with an outline that sets your family up for success.
Connect with Support
You are not meant to walk this path alone. There is a huge community of Hoosier homeschoolers who are eager to partner with you. The IAHE has numerous avenues for you to connect with this community.
Have a Conversation
IAHE Regional Representatives – Connect with a veteran homeschooling couple in your area to get plugged in with local resources and groups.
Facebook Discussion Group – Join the private Facebook Discussion Group to get quick answers to your questions from an online community.
Support Group and Co-op page (for members only) – Find support groups and co-ops in your area on our support group and co-op directory page. Join the IAHE to access this page.
High School Mentors (coming soon) – This group of veteran homeschoolers will help you navigate the unknowns of the high school years.
Publications and Recordings
IAHE Email – Get the most recent and relevant information the IAHE has to offer about our services and homeschooling topics right in your inbox. Subscribe Now!
The IAHE Blog – Read blog posts from homeschoolers like you about a variety of homeschool and parenting topics.
Homeschool Indiana magazine – The IAHE publishes a magazine 3 times a year with in-depth articles about homeschooling topics. Premium and Supporting members receive a print version of the magazine delivered to their mailbox.
Homeschool Indiana Podcast – Check out our latest endeavor. Whether you’re a seasoned homeschooling family or just starting out, join us as we explore the ins and outs of homeschooling in Indiana.
E-books – Our talented and experienced team has authored various e-books including unit studies and planners to support and encourage you. Join now and get a free homeschool planner.
Courses and Workshops
Start Strong Indiana – Start Strong Indiana is an in depth, online course that includes videos, articles, and panel discussions with veteran homeschoolers who will walk you step-by-step through all the facets of successfully homeschooling your kids. Premium and Supporting members receive a 25% discount. Join now!
Conference Workshop Recordings – We record every conference session. You can access these recordings in the comfort of your own home to be encouraged and informed.
Although this isn’t an exhaustive list, if you pray for guidance, establish your whys, and connect with support, you will be starting your school year off right. We hope you are as excited as us about this upcoming homeschool year. You aren’t alone! The Indiana Association of Home Educators is here for you. Whether you need to talk to someone directly or need to access one of our resources, we want to help you have a successful year.