
IAHE Board members, Frank and Jackie Franks, and Debi Ketron were privileged to be invited to stand with Governor Pence as he signed HB1427 (Pause Common Core) into law.   They represented Indiana Association of Home Educators (IAHE) and all of you who helped push this bill through the legislative process against all odds.  You picked up the phone and made many calls, sent emails, and came to the Statehouse for Rallies and hearings.  The IAHE Board had presented a letter to the Governor’s office in March which you may read here.  By the grace of God, we won this first round.  
The fight is not over to rid Indiana of Common Core which undermines school choice such as home education.   There will be meetings to attend in each Congressional district.   The stakes are high as the matter of who controls education in Indiana is the prize.   Will it be Hoosiers or the federal government and private special interests?  Be watching for additional information as it is available.
Be sure to read the press release below the picture.

For Immediate Release

May 11, 2013
INDIANAPOLIS— Governor Pence signed today education bill HEA 1427, which requires a comprehensive review of the Common Core State Standards.
“I have long believed that education is a state and local function and we must always work to ensure that our students are being taught to the highest academic standards and that our curriculum is developed by Hoosiers, for Hoosiers,” said Pence. “The legislation I sign today hits the pause button on Common Core so Hoosiers can thoroughly evaluate which standards will best serve the interests of our kids. “
HEA 1427 requires the Department of Education to provide a written evaluation of the Common Core by July 1, 2013.  It establishes a legislative study committee to explore issues related to academic standards.  It also calls for the Office of Management and Budget to assess the fiscal impact of implementing Common Core or an alternative set of academic standards.  The State Board of Education must make a final decision on Indiana’s academic standards before July 1, 2014.
“I am grateful for the work of the General Assembly and for continuing to put students first by advancing this important legislation,” said Pence.
Representative Rhonda Rhoads (R) authored the bill and Representative Robert Behning (R) co-authored the bill.  Senators Dennis Kruse (R) and Scott Schneider (R) sponsored the legislation.  Senators Jim Banks (R) and Lonnie Randolph (D) were the co-sponsors.
Hoosiers can learn more about the bills signed by the Governor at: http://www.in.gov/gov/billwatch.htm.
Chris Crabtree
External Operations
Governor Mike Pence