
IAHE has learned that of the three legislative study sessions only one will be dedicated to review the standards.  From Heather Crossin, “Obviously, the “quality” of the math and ELA Standards are of utmost importance to many, who had hoped they would get a fair and thorough vetting.  With the time for each topic divided up evenly, it is likely that this crucial aspect will be short changed.  (The “cost” of implementation, on the other hand, will likely not require an entire four hours of discussion.)  In our opinion, testing and cost do not require the amount of time they have been allocated, while standards deserves more.”

Even more unsettling is the fact that each witness will be given only ten minutes to speak. The people of Indiana fought hard this last session – they deserve for these hearings to result in a thorough review.  Furthermore, it is insulting that professors and others, some of whom are busy conducting research, should be asked to travel and take time off work to be given only ten minutes to present their findings.  

Action Item:  Please contact Senator Kruse at (317)232-9400 and Representative Behning at(317)232-9600 immediately to share your concern.  Respectfully, tell them that more time should be dedicated to looking at the standards themselves and, at the very least, the ten minute rule should be lifted.

Here is a link to an article that contains the details of the meeting.  

Have you marked your calendar for August 5, 1 p.m. for the first of the three legislative study meetings at the Statehouse?

A National Common Core Conference will be held at University of Notre Dame on September 9.  Details TBA.