A letter arrives. Out of millions of contestants—you won! Every day, from this day forth, you will receive $84,300. The money will deposit in your bank account first thing every morning. You can use it however you want.

One catch. Any money not spent by the end of the day disappears. You start each day with $84,300.

With such great blessing, you likely begin very intentionally using the money. Pay off bills. Invest in college funds. Give to those missionaries you’ve always wanted to support.

After a few years, are you still as intentional? Does the money become routine—so routine you don’t think much about it? After all, more will be there tomorrow. So, if a few thousand goes unspent today—no big deal. Sure, you have plans for investing the money in your dream, but somehow each day’s distractions get in the way. No problem. You can begin tomorrow.

While we may not have experienced this phenomenon—we have received one very like it.

A letter arrives. It’s the number indicating the state recognizes our home school. We won! Every day from this day forth God gives 84,300 seconds to train our children for Him. The seconds are deposited at the beginning of every day. We can use them however we want.

One catch. Any time not spent by the end of the day disappears. We start the next day with only 84,300 seconds.

As we begin home schooling, most of us are overwhelmed by the treasure of time and opportunity to train our children that God is giving. We very intentionally make big plans for using our time wisely.

After a few years, are we as intentional? Does the treasure of time become routine—so routine that we don’t think much about it? After all, we have tomorrow.

The dayliness of our homeschooling can cause us to lose sight of just how precious this time with our children is. We need to remember the treasure we’ve been given and again become intentional.

For some this will mean being more faithful to the books—actually sticking to the plan God gave at the beginning of the school year to accomplish the goals He laid out for the school year. For others, this means being less concerned with the books—taking moments to enjoy relationship with children and building memories rather than simply pounding out worksheets.

This morning, thank God for your 84,300 seconds. Ask how He wants you to use them today. Rest in the confidence, that if you see each day as a treasure and faithfully steward your time, He will take your offering and build an eternity. No second will be wasted.

Tess Worrell is married to Mike Worrell and together they enjoy discipling their eight children. They are in their 14th year of home schooling. Tess also writes and speaks to various groups on issues of marriage, parenting, and living as a Godly woman. Tess would love to hear your input. You can contact her at tess@yourfamilymatterstous.com or visit her website: YourFamilyMatterstous.com.