
“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.” Colossians 3:12.

An 8 x 8 foot room, seven people, a pile of school books, seven hours. Not the recipe for patience.

My husband suffered a massive stroke last summer. Thus, our family travels three times a week to a rehabilitation hospital an hour and a half from home. The facility graciously lends a small room so that I can keep school going while Mike does seven hours of therapy. While I so appreciate their generosity, the small space with no breather makes for an incredibly long day.

A day of trying to operate the entire school day out of the supplies we can fit in my little cart. A day where children try tune out my discussion with others so they can concentrate on math. A day of balancing keeping little ones busy and older ones up to speed on lessons. A day walls close in and carbon dioxide rises to dangerous levels.

When we began home schooling, I was sure God was incredibly concerned about our children’s education and was calling Mike and me to be His hands in that process. I now know He was focused on my education.

Just as I give my children tests—God uses therapy days to test me. It’s easy to be patient and gentle when we’re home with books handy, space to spread out, and a dozen ways for the children to keep busy once lessons are done. The test comes when I am feeling claustrophobic, tired, and we still have an hour to go. To pass this test, I have to remember and apply the text God assigned for memory. “Tess, as My chosen child, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourself with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.”

I take a deep breath as my daughter whines, “Is it time to go yet?” and pull her to my lap to read another story. Instead of impatiently snapping at two bickering children, I focus on gently reproving. Instead of just aiming to get through the day, I plan afternoon treats to make the day easier for all. In each I ask, “Am I being the kind, compassionate, gentle mom God desires when those traits are needed the most?”

And while I know God is teaching me through these days, I’m also convinced He’s using me as His hands to educate my children. It’s one thing to read God’s word each morning, explaining to my children the importance of obeying God. It’s another for them to see me do it. On the days they know my patience is running out, and they see me pray—ask for patience—and witness God taking over, they learn how to obey themselves. On the days I fail the test, they experience first-hand why God gave this command. Either way, God uses me to teach them.

An 8 x 8 foot room, seven people, a pile of school books, seven hours. The perfect recipe for learning the lessons of God.