
Indiana homeschoolers, we need to stay vigilant on the Common Core front.  There are encouraging signs, but we must make sure we do not find that Common Core has only been repackaged.  We must maintain local control to have any choice in education.

Heather Crossin of Hoosiers Against Common Core has written a blog post on the latest regarding where we stand with Common Core in Indiana:

“Last week’s flurry of Common Core articles give us some indication of where Indiana is headed.  Our response can best be summed up with the following: We’ve come a long way, but we aren’t out of the woods yet!  The most crucial miles have yet to be travelled, before we cross the finish line.”

To fully appreciate just how far Indiana has come on the Common Core debate, it’s worth remembering that it wasn’t even a year and a half ago that the Indianapolis Star’s former education reporter, Scott Elliott, told me he wasn’t reporting on the subject of Common Core, because it wasn’t news.  He told me, “nobody even knows what the Common Core is,” thus they would not be interested in the topic.”

Read the rest of the article here.   
