Information via Micah Clark:
Senate Bill 374, (which had language of concern to us  requiring parents of high school students leaving a public school in order to home school), was blocked in the Senate in January through a lack of action by the Senate Education Committee.
This language  has now reappeared in the House as an amendment to Senate Bill 384.  The House Education Committee adopted this amendment on Thursday, Feb. 23rd.   Your calls and emails to your State Representative expressing concern over the precedent setting legislation are needed.  Amendment #3  requires all parents to submit an educational plan to their local School Superintendent for approval or review. This punishes good home school families under the guise of addressing a drop out problem among students who are not interested in education anymore, but are claiming to “home school” in order to dropout and keep or still obtain their driver’s license.
There is concern that as written that Amendment #3 of SB 384 is a step against our current home school freedoms.   Legislators need to find a way to address high school drop outs without harming home school parents who choose to educate their high school age child at home.
You can call the Indiana House of Representatives at: 1-800-382-9842 (Corrected phone number)