
By Micah Clark AFA-IN/IAHE Legislative Liaison

The annual Indiana Association of Home Educator’s “Home Education Day at the Capitol” starts tomorrow with a workshop at 10 am in room 120 of the Indiana Convention Center. Following an hour break at noon, there will be legislative and public officials speaking at the State House at 1 pm and a chance for families to meet their legislators. (However, as it turns out with the legislative calendar falling with a deadline today, many from outside central Indiana may be absent tomorrow. The event is still a great opportunity to learn more about the legislative process and to see your beautiful State House.) 

Speaking of home education, the Internet is abuzz with conversation among home education forums on an effort targeted toward what some describe as a “loophole” (though I don’t agree with that term in this case) allowing high school students to drop out and claim that they are home educating. Some schools appear to be encouraging this as a means of padding their graduation rates or word has gotten around that this is a way to drop out.

We have been working with Representative Bob Behning, the Department of Education and theHome School Legal Defense Association on this issue, which has reappeared in the House as an amendment to Senate Bill 384. There was some initial misinformation concerning our “support” for an amendment, which required home school parents of high school students to provide and education plan before transferring to a non-accredited private school setting. We did not support any new requirements for home school parents who have a fundamental right to direct the education of their child. 

The good news is that new language will be offered today which is very different from Amendment #3 adopted in the House Education Committee last week. There is some concern from HSLDA that this is a new requirement placed in Indiana Code upon home school parents, rather than a Department of Education policy. That is a legitimate concern. However, if the new amendment from Rep. Behning is adopted, the education plan language will be totally removed and replaced with a requirement that the school simply inform high school parents of the law on home education in regard to attendance requirements.  There is also an amendment filed by another legislator requiring state testing of all home educated children in Indiana.  Others may appear too.

We will continue to monitor and weigh in on this with any concerns as it develops throughout the day and into next week.