The conference entitled “The Changing Role of Education: Consequences of the Common Core” brought together many of the premier, leading Common Core experts in the country.  The conference was held at the University of Notre Dame in the fall of 2013.   Below are links to many excellent presentations that were given that day.  IAHE was pleased to be able to attend this event.  Will Estrada of HSLDA addressed concerns related to Common Core and Private/Home Schools.
Sean Fieler – Chairman, American Principles Project  
Dr. Gerald Bradley – Professor, University of Notre Dame Law School:
Emmett McGroarty – Senior Fellow, American Principles Project:
Dr. Patrick Deneen – Professor of Constitutional Studies, University of Notre Dame:
Dr. Williamson Evers – Research Fellow, Hoover Institution:
Jane Robbins – Senior Fellow, American Principles Project:
Dr. Williamson Evers – Research Fellow, Hoover Institution:
Joy Pullman – Fellow, The Heartland Institute:
Dr. James Milgram – Professor of Mathematics Emeritus, Stanford University:
Dr. James Milgram – Professor of Mathematics Emeritus, Stanford University:
Dr. Megan Koschnick – Clinical Psychologist:
Dr. Sandra Stotsky – Common Core ELA Validation Committee Member:
Dr. Sandra Stotsky – Common Core ELA Validation Committee Member:
Dr. Terrence Moore – Assistant Professor of History, Hillsdale College:
Ze’ev Wurman – Visiting Scholar, Hoover Institution:
Heather Crossin – Co-founder, Hoosiers Against Common Core:
Erin Tuttle – Co-founder, Hoosiers Against Common Core:
William Estrada – Director of Federal Relations, Home School Legal Defense Association:
Andrew Kern – Founder & President, CIRCE Institute:
Dr. Keith Oatley – Professor, University of Toronto
Jamie Gass – Director of the Center for School Reform, Pioneer Institute: