
I love words. Words that inspire. Words that convict. Words that encourage. I especially love words that get my children to do what I ask.

In reading a blog post from the National Center for Biblical Parenting (NCBP), I found such a phrase. “On a mission.” Scott Turansky, co-founder of NCBP, encourages parents to frame instructions to children, “You are on a mission to ________,” fill in the gap with instruction.

I have to admit that when I first read this, I thought it was kind of cheesy. I envisioned our children giving a funny look and asking, “Seriously, Mom?”

Then, one night I instructed our two youngest to head to bed. Five minutes later they were still handing out kisses, looking for stuffed animals, and locating books. Without even thinking I said, “Guys–you’re on a mission to get to bed.” They bounded up the steps and were quietly tucking in before I could blink.

It worked? It worked!

It continues to work. I have added a bit of explanation. “Kiddos–when Daddy or I give you instruction, you already know it’s your job to obey. By obeying us, you practice obeying God. I want you to think of each instruction as a mission. Your job–complete your mission with focus, purpose, and honor.”

Going to bed, emptying the dishwasher, feeding the sheep take on a whole new meaning as the children consider their daily chores practice for the bigger missions God will send. Most of all, I love how this phrase shapes their hearts toward enthusiastic obedience.

“On a mission.” Words to inspire; words to convict; words to encourage. May we all be “on a mission” to obey.