
Have you ever been in charge of something? A business. . .a committee. . .a bake sale.

What kind of people did you want on your team?

As I prepared to give the mission lesson for a recent Good News Club session, I worked hard to make the story come to life for the children. I worked on pacing, on facial expressions, on application questions. Only at the very end did I say, “God, I hope that works.”

Then, it dawned on me. Not once had I asked, “Lord, what to You want me to do?” I genuinely wanted to please God, to make His work in the world real to the children, and to draw them to Him. But, I never asked His plan for that. I just assumed that, as I went through my preparation, He would morph whatever I did into His will.

I’ve been in charge of groups where there were members like that. They hear the goal and start off with their own thoughts on how to bring the goal to fruition. Great ideas. Huge enthusiasm. But, nowhere near my plan. They had no understanding of how their ideas clashed with the plan, brought confusion, ignored real considerations. Because they hadn’t taken time to listen to the plan–they were hindrances rather than helps.

I’ve also been responsible for groups where members listened intently to the plan. They asked what I needed from them and did it to perfection with grace and enthusiasm. When they offered input, it was informed by the overall strategy and added needed insights and depth. I love working with such people.

I think God does as well.

Every endeavor is God’s. He has a plan for it. Our home schooling, our family life, our ministry at the church, our jobs–all these were given by God to use in His overall plan to bring people into His kingdom. I forget sometimes that I’m a player on His team. Instead, I treat these endeavors as responsibilities given to me and take over creating the plan. I become the person heading off with my own ideas–enthusiastic and happy–but nowhere near what God had in mind.

That day, I came to the realization that, whatever I’m doing, I’m on God’s team. My most important role is to first ask what He wants, then listen. As I do, I become someone God can count on to do His work His way.  A good team player.

Tess Worrell writes and speaks to groups regarding issues of family life and living as a Godly woman. She and husband, Mike Worrell, live in Madison, Indiana, where they are in their 14th year of home schooling. She would love to hear your insights. Comment here or email her at tess@YourFamilyMatterstous.com. If you would like Tess to speak to your home school or church group, you can learn more about her speaking at YourFamilyMatterstous.com.