If you care about children and education, listen to this podcast.  Renowned mathematician and South Bend, Indiana, native, Dr. James Milgram, discusses the damage that has been and is being done in the area of math education since the 1980’s. Common Core has ramped up the level of damage in recent years.
Dr. Milgram explains the problems with the Common Core standards and how they are causing difficulty for children’s ability to learn mathematics. He discusses special learners whether they may have been labeled with a learning disorder or are gifted. Our current educational difficulties are not easily fixed and parents are encouraged to help their children now so that their future opportunities are not hindered by this unusual way to teach math. This is a program to share with your friends whose children are currently being affected. They need to understand the gravity of the situation.
As homeschoolers, we are free to choose our own curriculum. We wanted to share this important information, so you can keep it in mind as you assess your future curriculum purchases. If you need a list to help you find curriculum and tests that are not Common Core aligned, click here.